Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Donald Trump in harms "Way"

Whether you believe it or not that heading alone could spark a riot if it were to fall into the hands of those who know exactly how, where and when to go about stirring up conflict.

Hatred is something that's not hard to find in this country and more so of late. You don't need a license or permit to stir up "Trouble" All one needs is a microphone and people that are "Willing" to take the time to listen.

What is Hatred? Is it more than an emotional response? Why is hatred not being associated with the inability to Forgive and move on?

Nothing more than common sense and insight or exposure to people for any real length of time is needed in order to discover what makes people "Tick".

The advantage for entities such as the "News Media" they get paid to track, graph and extrapolate public responses relative to a multitude of talking points. What the Media loves to  do is to "Troll" for "Controversy" yet without  a public demand for "tat same controversy what are they left with except a bundle of sad stories chalk full of "Unfortunate" revelation?

What more often makes people "Tick' has everything to do with exactly how to go about "Ticking" people "Off"! A large percentage of people in this country are walking time bombs that are simply waiting for a righteous excuse to explode.This in my opinion is not only a national platform for the expression of "Frustration" but also something gone viral on an "International" level!

Some media personalities know this better than others and almost to a degree of exactness as to what gets a "Rise" out of the masses (Public).

In my opinion it should be considered criminal because they do know and that because they do have countless hours and have been specifically trained in this "Craft". Every "Industry" has veterans of a sort hence the name.

Take for example, why would a judge would hold a black Belt in karate more responsible/liable than some regular Joe who gets in a fight and breaks someones nose or multiple bones? Why? Because the Black Belt has been trained in the "Art".

You give a person in a crowd a Mega-phone and instantly they become the ring leader in the public perception, yet why? Because they can and are being heard above all other voices in the said "Crowd"....

Shifting to equality, much like the argument over the 2nd amendment, I say let those who presently enjoy the benefit of their "Personal freedoms" and as such because of the "Protection" afforded them through personal security details (we the republic pay for). If said "Leaders" do approve a ban Joe public the right to carry and own a gun, that in itself  "Should"  symbolize their own faith in public protection?

If a tax paying citizen feels threatened, why then should they not also find themselves able to call for a police detail to come and escort them from point A to point B? Why Not? It's all about affordability...

My opinion is if the environment is NOT deemed safe against the mentally unstable personalities assumed to be amid us with the boundaries of our  national "Republic they (Law Makers) in turn should NOT be able to pass a law that's exempts only a chosen few.

I suggest instead of banning guns lets allow Gun manufacturers to help draft a law where any "Individual" MUST have completed a State approved training program. Years ago they insisted Deer hunters go through a safety course before they could get a hunting license. What was the reason?

Too many people were dying due to the mishandling of guns where people were getting sniped and mistaken for deer. Much of which was due to lack of experience and/or ignorance.

Not only would this create a paper trail of those who've been pre-qualified they could include a back ground check much like the I9 system that's in place for employers?

As long as other countries or private (for profit) entities that are beyond the reach of US laws, guns will always be found in hidden pockets of any society and more often those whose motives go beyond simply living the "American Dream!

Also under the terms of equality, this goes hand in hand with benefits (i.e Insurance coverage). If Law Makers approve and vote in ANY type of Socialized Insurance, they too MUST abide by the same by-laws they set in motion. We are talking about a "Representative" who ARE on a a payroll are we NOT?

When law makers are forced to be exposed to the "Same" things the general public are exposed to they then might rethink the value to their own policies...

On to "Protection, I personally "Love" the office all "Policeman" hold.

I value their office held yet I do NOT value every misguided soul that has wrongfully "Mismanaged" what should be considered a privilege. Having been Trusted to assume this same office in order to uphold the Laws the gun and badge were dispensed and intended to enforce?

The ones that do know better than others are those who are in places of power and enforcement. Why is it that those who do hold the guns also PROVE somehow to ultimately be the most dangerous factions in a society and that without making distinction between "Legal or Criminal" mindsets?

It's not the gun many don't Trust, instead it's the social mindset doesn't Trust that's are in possession of the guns. There's a reason people riot against Police brutality, yet is it only because they do have the guns or that some choose to mishandle the power that accompanies those same Guns and Badges?

Guns equate to "Power" in the minds of anyone who does understand not only the capability of a gun but such a persona motives as well, versus someone that is not armed with a gun

Division will takes its' toll on any social setting, yet until its understood exactly what causes divisions among ANY people especially when their motives are kept criminally hidden what else should be expected?.

To be contiued....

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