Monday, July 25, 2016

The American Nightmare of "Politics as usual

When you appoint a "boy" as king how long before you wake up to find you're now living within the boundaries of a child's "Imagination". sw

Many today suggest they're tired of politics as "Usual" within America, yet what does that mean to the so called everyday American?

How many TRUE Americans have made the choice to "Recuse" themselves from even attempting to seek public office and maybe even bigger the question "Why Not" in terms of an honest "Self Examination" that HAS somehow vicariously stepped into the light of what is "True"?

In terms of a "Trickle Down Affect" we're always hearing so much about, how much of what takes place in the tightening "Circle of Decision Makers" which in all reality is beginning to feel more like a "noose" around the neck of people who do have more in common than has been "Publicly" made known"?

One of the more recent catch phrases being tossed around today is the term, "Vetting Process" yet even more importantly how does this phrase "Interpret today" in terms of who the real "Patriots" are in this country?

In terms of being "All In" what if trying to serve two sovereign countries simultaneously would disqualify the sincerity of a 'Duel Citizen" or those who want to be here only to enjoy the financial windfall of our social benefits programs? 

Luke 16:13
"No servant can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money."  

The same type America that also found it within its corporate heart to employ other True "Americans". That same America which was at one time observed as the employer of "Public Servants"?

The same America that proudly stated at One Time, "In God we Trust"?

Not only Why is there a difference between any two people who suggest they both serve One and the same God and country, but who is that will ultimately determine what those differences TRULY are between the any two Gods or Countries in terms of core beliefs?

Specific beliefs that may or may NOT be timely brought into "Question"?

Who were these original servants also who were also "Self" designated worthy enough to go on to "Serve"?

The First prerequisite for any governmental office held used to be "Reserved" only for those who also "Choose" to serve voluntarily. This same few who were then pooled and "Required" to show proof of cause for their willingness "To Serve" and that by way of the type of life they lead in their "Chosen line of Duty"

What good is a world that's full of words in turn do for any culture where specific words have lost their meaning. sw

Those who not only "Decided" they would set aside the time to serve, but as such to include those who were willing to set aside their "Everyday American Dream" so that others could go on to achieve their individual dreams?

All the above was once considered to be at the core of the heart of a servant, yet lets discuss who they are in Fact (or NOT) serving "Today"?

At what point does the true servant at heart reach for more and that without "Asking" for approval?

Exactly who are the Men and Woman who perceive themselves "stuck" with the day to day daunting task of trying to survive within a vastly growing "Geopolitical" environment, but the greater "REALITY" of trying to maintain a righteous mindset that will further lead them in order to continue to somehow "Earn" a righteous living?

A type living that does keep pace with the increasing weight of all of the government mandates it also has "Need" of.

Has this America's "needs" since become the restraints that are otherwise being placed on the 'Backs" of those who were at one time in history being "Observed" also as productive "Dreamers"?

Those same dreamers who were not only later "Indoctrinated into a world that does dream prosperous "Dreams" of success, but that to include those who've actually chosen to "Believe" in the potential having dreamed such "Dreams"?

Are these said "Needs" of government NOW being placed on the "Backs" of dreamers or are these said "Restraints" more realistically "Holding Us Back" from realizing the depth of what "Freedom" was intended to "Mean" when a dream has become a "Reality"?

I believe many are NOT coming to this great land of dreamers only because of their own dreams that have need of being fulfilled, but instead are coming here for the otherwise "Free" resources which then "Pay for their dreams".

Exactly who are these "Units of Measure" we measure ourselves by who may or may NOT go one to prove these dreams were and are "Real" and as such that are also worth keeping them "Alive" today?

Exactly why has it become so "Hard" to even dream and/or imagine prosperity today, but to also go on to somehow "Harness" this potential within an environment where there are so many said "Public Servants" on payroll today?

The same type of "Public Works" that has since become a growing arena that has "Seemingly" outpaced most of what's historically been centered around the much smaller scale of the TRUE understanding about "Servitude"?

If there were a "Primary" example of the "Ultimate" servant, who would this example also "Reflect" upon?

Especially one (example) that also traces out the mantra this same America chose to emboss (print) on the very coinage we each use as the symbol of our appreciation for deeds done?

Exactly who are and where are these same individual dreamers today who also completely understand the rules and laws of historical "Truthful Engagement"? Some might also refer to this process as "Assimilation"?

Much like a "Small peg" on a much larger "Map" some are desperately trying "See" introduced as if "Suddenly" a more applicable "World View".

The type of perspective a growing number would love to offer you and I so that we in turn would adopt this same view that will go forward as if somehow over night that begins to "Directly" affect the mindset of ALL other "Smaller Perspectives".

My question is one that I think all people(s) should revisit and that is, "Is this perspective Truly representative of daily life you or I ever Truly bargained for?

"Bargained for" to mean the "Why" (qualification required) that also speaks to "Why" you or I chose NOT to wade into the "Arena of Public affairs" and that for what ever "Personal" reason(s) we saw fit to somehow (eliminate) "Recuse" ourselves from this selection process?

Have you ever in your "Right" mind sat and pondered the ultimate "Oxymoron" of this generation? Just sayin here....

The type of daily life I'm speaking to is the one where "True Americans" have also prepared their own individual "Budgets" in order to support the type of servants who do in fact "Serve"?

Who is it that have somehow found a way to "Demonize" and tarnish those who do in fact not only employ said public"Servants", but also those who made the choice "To fill this "Need"?

Since we've ALL assumed we also completely understand this great undertaking, who is that NOW sets the budget where specific funds have been allocated for those who are also supposedly being "Paid" what used to be considered "Handsome Pay" for a servant?

Those same ones who at One Point in Time also gladly accepted not only the terms but also the different forms of "Pay" being offered so they don't have to worry about the day to day and legitimate life worries/concerns every "Normal" citizen does?

Public service used to mean something totally different. Public service used to be the "Emblem" of servitude where those who did "Choose" to serve were not only "Highly Esteemed" but also well taken care of once they left "Public office".

My question is, "How just and how great is the price that's now being paid to get the type of service many are now NOT getting?

Exactly what type of mindset has also allowed the role of serving in the military to be "Reduced" to a nearly meaningless "Nub" that's repeatedly used?

Yes, I fully realize public officials do NOT want to be thought of as if "Running for a divine office" (preachers), yet I do understand who appoints those who will ultimately go on to "Become" the more precise example of those who so many want to suggest they also serve.

What happened to the "Retirement" package ALL Americans used to work so hard for that now "Seemingly" only get awarded to "Government" and/or "Union" workers by way of the "Investment Made"?

Who holds the purse strings and who sets the "Bar" wherever that said "Bar" does find "Itself"?

Truthfully, what "Dream" is complete with that dream also includes "Golden Years" or "Happy Ending"?

Has there been a "Hostile take over", or just a little old fashion "Corporate Take Over" that since proves to be the narrative being rewritten of the "American Dream"? Just saying, "WAKE UP AMERICA, because the reality is This Dream has become a Nightmare for so many......

Friday, July 15, 2016

The chord of "Fear"

"Cultural assimilation is the process by which a person or a group's language and/or culture come to resemble those of another group".

Have you ever looked into the Etymology of the word "Converse" and how it applies to any "Group" of people? 

Everyone seems to more than understand the notion of "Talking" yet how many have reviewed this word  "Ex-change" process that actually DOES take both parties to this "Convers-ation" somewhere "Meaningful"?

Living in a world that has become pathetically "Politically" correct leaves little room for change to take "Up" its rightful place.

This word "Converse" has much in common with words such as "Convert" and/or "Conversation" in that their essence paves the pathway that leads to "Change".

People criticize Donald Trump for suggesting he'll build a wall, yet just stop and think how many "Barriers" there already are within not only a blended "Family", but a international melting "Pot" 

Even if you're a cooking buff you can understand too much of any one thing when it begins to over power the Genre of a particular dish? 

The type of dish which no longer taste "Good" and that because of what it was originally supposed to taste "Like".

In terms of "The Christ" God sent to mankind, what would have happened if the Son He (God) "Sent" did NOT resemble and accurately "Re-present" the Father who sent Him? 

Who then would be  "Assimilating" into whom?

What happens to any "Recipe" that gets over powered with too much of any one seasoning or ingredient whether it be too much sweetness, saltiness or "Bitterness"? 

At what point does the whole dish become a fatal combination that results in the whole "Dish" being thrown out because it's been "Ruined"?

In the name and for the sake of "One world Order" this nation like many others is being "Overwhelmed" with too much that's coming way "Too Fast".....

I invite you to "Revisit" the above meaning for "Cultural Assimilation" anytime you get frustrated or grow tired of the "Way" the dish you're being asked to eat with a smile begins to taste like...well, I think you get what I'm NOT going to say!

There's absolutely NOTHING wrong with change, yet when there's too much change too fast, at what point does the whole become "Unrecognizable" and that in terms of changing almost overnight? It would be like going to bed American and waking up the next morning in a different country!

Being "American" used to mean something specific. 

It was "Something" that was easily recognized no matter what soil it was standing on or whomever it standing next to. 

Being American used to be easily recognized, admired and most importantly "Respected" as the main Ingredient that stands "Out" as distinguishable in the melting "Pot", but I digress....

Whether it be a blended Family we're talking about or a blended Nation, there's certain "Language" barriers to be over come. Sometimes there's (ethnic) cultural differences within the extended family? There's economical differences in terms of how each individual chooses to view money? 

If and when it's later to be discovered religious, educational, child discipline differences as well how each are approached can hinder this blending, yet if any one of those dominate the landscape what happens even in a blended Household? 

And to think a "Nation" is somehow above these same principles that are at work? Whose very fiber is the individual households that are all a part of whatever it is that also makes the "Whole" thing work "Together"?

Yet why are there differences? In terms of nation "Building", Who's being asked to assimilate INTO whom?

To then stop and think that ALL "Americans" also want others who come here to "Eventually" become a further representation of what each has  individually "spent" their livelihoods trying to get others to somehow resemble "Their Own Personage"

At what point does the word Assimilate end up being the headship as it pertains to healthy "Dialogue" that causes the whole thing to somehow "Blend"? 

And that (conversing) without ultimately finding "Itself" having to revert back to Being what's considered to be a "Monologue"? Just Sayin.......


In light of the the recent "Horrible" event in France where a Truck was used to try and induce and further heighten a specific "Awareness" I felt compelled to share my thoughts on this same matter.

Could this be the type of "Awareness" of a people that has been discovered by an enemy? A type of enemy that is also "Looking" for a specific type of response each time they do act in a particular fashion?

What type of a message does this promote?

My theory is , "Look Around" at those who are "Observing" america's response to "Fear"?

Look at the rise of "Protest" taking place more recently? Look at the tactics that are now being adopted in order to get the attention of others?

Listen to what the demands are that are being "MADE" following the type of "Headlines" that are presently and "Obviously" capturing the 'Attention" of others?

Basically, it's being said "Loud and Clear", that if You don't listen to US we're going to come to where YOU are (step into Your world) and strike the "Chord of Fear"

Those others that are watching (though not presently acting on it momentarily) to include children that are assumed are NOT to be paying attention...... What type of speech is this nation reverting to? Will it be whatever seems to "Work" best in the moment? One that requires taking the temperature before acting in a certain way?

I don't know about your household but in Mine, bad behavior never was nor ever will find itself being rewarded....

Fast forward, your own children start becoming BOLDLY defiant under your tenure and personal representation of authority? The "Reports" start coming home from school about YOUR otherwise assumed to be innocent little Susie or Johnny because in they have been judged to be "Acting" outside of the said  "NORM"?

The same "Norm" that was previously "Agreed upon" which in all practical reasoning does promote an environment (classroom) that has acknowledged that OTHERS do in fact LEARN from "Each other"?

Isn't the real "Social" question "What have WE as a PEOPLE also Learned from and about "Each Other"?

That to include day to day behavioral "Traits" that also do SPEAK as to HOW to righteously approach getting others to "Hopefully" come INTO agreement with the other wise and good "Idea's"? Good idea's we've all been endowed with having been "made" by One and the same "Creator"?

To then TRUTHFULLY consider the thoughts about those who TRULY delight in and/or "Enjoy" finding the not so nice factoids in being "Rejected"

The type of response that is found to also be the predominate response in that the vast "Majority" do either take flight or Fight and/or turn on "Each Other" in the face of such activities?

When a people do TURN on each other, what's the outcome or suggested "Mindset" of this type of people in terms of mutually held "Resolve"

For me personally these type of Tactics do not incite the type of "Fear" that would suggest  to in turn respond by "Taking Flight"!

The normal humans response to "Fear" would suggest to either take "Flight" or take a stand and 'Fight".

The word "Normal" is NOT used to also suggest all those who are also Righteous in their personal choosing. The evil faction that is behind these type of actions is MORE than aware of these "Fear" motivated "Formula's".

How does ANY type of response in turn encourage said "Opposition"?

Those who hope to perpetuate a "Radical Ideology" and/or similar "Theocracy" are only hoping to capitalize on one of mans most "Primal" instincts in order to somehow turn it against him (mankind), hence the notion of being found deserved and in turn "Labeled" as "Evil"!

If ANY people TRULY understood what is considered to be EVIL in the sight of the "One True God" whom also hold out in any type of HOPE that's also TRUE, the importance of becoming "United" for one and the SAME cause should also RISE to MEET with the occasion in question.

I find it to be amusing these types of words are not only found within what the recorded "Psalmist" segment of the Bible drafted, but as such that should suggest a "Song" a United People in the sight of God should "Sing"

Ps 97:10-12

Let those who love the LORD hate evil for he guards the lives of his faithful ones
and delivers them from the hand of the wicked.

Light is shed upon the righteous and joy on the upright in heart.

Rejoice in the LORD, you who are righteous, and praise his holy name.

It's beginning to seem as if there's a License needed for nearly everything mankind chooses to do these days. Whether or not these choices are weighed as Evil or NOT seems yet to be decided

 Exactly why would anyone choose to promote or provoke a distinct type of disdain and animosity towards ANY faction without also requiring a righteous "Cause" being "Made Known"?

Especially in a world where so few are also NOT concerned with the "Underlying" tone, tide and cause of most everything else that does take place outside of their very small world....sw

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Donald Trump given a "Gift"

The question that's rocking the cradle of late is why aren't more people upset due to the recent and unwarranted "Ruling" supposedly handed down from the FBI director?

A Ruling which may be "Right" in some ways yet having come from the "Wrong Office" in no way also makes it "Alright"!

How appropriate is the term "Handed Down" as if having been received from someone that's "Perched" on a "Higher" level?

Maybe better stated, the level that's considered to be "Above" all those who are also likely to be considered "Beneath or Below" this seemingly much higher perspective?

A particular perspective which most normal people (with values held in common) would disqualify themselves from holding and that because they "Do know" not only their own strengths but maybe even better everything about their own personage that could in fact somehow hinder the type of performance the larger majority does "Expect" from the office in question?

Where has the qualifications for holding ANY superior and/or supreme office vanished to?

Why are ANY supposed candidates trying to be shaped and molded (Justified) in order to fit these office's instead of just the opposite? Who is it that Tries and Tries to "Pound" a square peg into round hole?

Think on things this way for a second if you will, IF things were ALRIGHT, wouldn't Trump's immediate political rival be on the ropes right now in light of what was revealed by the FBI director?

The same type of posture that does exhibit the type of awareness that does acknowledge that "Everything is NOT.....Alright".

When was the last time you watched a "Prize" fight where one of the two fighters just received a blow that would have knocked just about anyone else "OUT COLD"?

In a weird way I think Trump more than does his opponent understands the essence of Mercy. I think Trump could go in for the "Knock Out Punch" and is waiting to see if guilt and shame does have their way. As if waiting to see if His opponent will yield in the light what IS True?

The disadvantage that's NOT being truly recognized for what it is, is the fact TRUMP has never held public Office which also interprets "TRUMP has no Recorded stats as a Politician" to which his opposition as a Government official can be compared to in this particular instance?

Think upon King Saul and King David? Neither were by far perfect, yet who was it that also said of only one of them, "He is a man after my own heart"? Who having also been steeped in sin can righteously judge either men while knowing only a few of the facts of their liveliness?

Why is it that God installed both men yet each in different "Seasons" (times)?

I'm of the opinion most believers don't struggle with what Gods word does say, No instead I believe is that many struggle with the TIMING of God.

A specific timing that does manifest as His living Will that has been implemented on a Godly time line as compared to what man has self taught which speaks even louder than does God as to how to approach this otherwise scientifically organized process of extrapolation.

Trump hasn't been relying on the power of political office outside without (as he's made publicly known) He did find himself having to Buy certain political "Icons" in order to make things happen in the real world he was trying to thrive in.

Picture the "Illegal" mafia and NOT the political Mafia?

Circumstances where many are forced to pay not only for protection and special favors, but protection from who? Protection from other factions of the said, "Mafia" that would otherwise take him out at the knee's if they didn't continue to "Pay in order to Play"?

Now picture a man that wants out of this type of scenario? One that's grown tired of paying the "Collector"?

The type of man who does enjoy occasionally sitting in the cheap seats and eating the same food as "Joe Plumber" like the rest of the crowd below does? The type of guy who enjoys a good game but finds himself sitting in the Box Seat" while day dreaming he was "One of them" down ----> there?

There is a reason TRUMPS opponent is NOT battling from a defensive posture. As if One that also "should" be seen as battling from a strictly defensive stance having just met what should have been the "Decisive Blow"!

Even if that blow delivered didn't come from inside the ring much like a folding chair that's been thrown from somewhere "Outside" the ring? The type of blow (disturbance) that should mandate this particular fight be stopped?

What so many people forget either that have allowed themselves to be "Duped" into thinking, is that Trump had nothing to do with how this particular disappointing series of events not only began, but more importantly how this particular case file was managed and ultimately founds itself on the FBI's investigation schedule?

The type of "Political" event where the so called "Outsider" truly has "Zero" direct influence over the whole matter and that because He has no True potential "Political" clout other than what may or may NOT be on hand in his bank account?

Some might try to suggest it's all over now for Trump since the investigation has been "Officially" closed by the head of the DOJ, yet what's being forgotten is exactly who it is that "Opened" this proverbial door?

The type of door that can only be closed by the same one that opened it.....

Prov 11:2-3
When pride comes , then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom. 

The integrity of the upright guides them, but the unfaithful are destroyed by their duplicity.

If believers in Christ, truthfully did march to a different beat than mainstream society it should be due to the fact they DO understand how things "Truly Are" despite the limited perspective of those who within this realm oppose such ideology.

1 Cor 1:26-30
Brothers, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth.

But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.

He chose the lowly things of this world and the despised thingsand the things that are not — to nullify the things that are, so that no one may boast before him.

Should it be those who are destined to go to another place of torment be MORE concerned, OR should it be those with whom judgment will begin that should "Presently" be examining the supposed lessor of two "Evils"?

Exactly why would the "ALL WISE" God also suggest to Pray FOR your leaders? Exactly who are those leaders and HOW have they also Become the said Leaders if not by way of the casting ones Lot in this lifetime?

Exactly how important has it BECOME as to what EACH and EVERY person says as if of themselves they also "Believe" to "BE"....... True?

What does it mean to Justify anything? What if it WERE the instance where it was "Just-as-If- I'd done the same thing?

Prov 11:5
The righteousness of the blameless makes a straight way for them,but the wicked are brought down by their own wickedness.

Are you considering yourself to be unfortunate because God has not "Chosen You" as His teaching "Instrument" in the times we each may or may NOT also be "Enjoying"

Chosen you to be the "Instrument" through which He does, has and will prove the foolishness of the said "Wisdom" of This world"  to be all that it is "NOT"?

There is GOOD reason God has spoken, "LET GOD BE TRUE and every man a liar", yet it does require being more than a word Hawk that attempts to read between the Lines...Just sayin!
